Whitewashing Ukraine's Corruption - The American Conservative
Thanks for the article! Thousands of people both from UA and RU are now know about it. It was cited today in a video by a famous Ukrainian blogger (2.93 M subscribers) who was banned in his country for his criticism of the current UA government. He also said he suggested to give an interview to western media, and only just a couple of small media wanted it. Millions of people here watching him, but the major western mass media just ignore him. So yes, the description in this article is quite precise. P.S. And living in RU I can agree that people here were not dreaming about UA's democracy example. Anyone can check migration flows: people usually went to US, Germany, Canada, Spain, Poland, etc. And the amount of migrants from UA to RU was several times higher than in the backward direction for each year from 1997 till 2013 (and maybe for other years as well, I just didn't check it). And I hope people would get the idea that this article is not about blaming someone for the current events. It's about the question if the world media tell the truth